Sunday, 3 May 2015

New to crochet

This year I decided to get myself a hobby. I decided on crochet (to much amusement to my friends!) because it has a practical outcome. So far I have learnt the basic stitches using YouTube and Pinterest to guide me and completed a few little projects!

The very first tutorial I used was from epicabundance on YouTube and was a fantastic tutorial for a complete beginner. You can find this tutorial here:
She teaches you the very basic beginnings for crochet including how to do a slip knot and a foundation chain then the single crochet stitch.

I bought a basic set of crochet hooks from ebay for about four pounds (see picture below of what they looked like) and borrowed some wool from my mum (really must give her that back...) to get started on practising my first stitches.

Turns out there was so much to learn about just wool let alone anything else! I was using something called Double knit (DK) wool but for most basic crochet patterns it recommends worsted weight wool. At first I had no idea what this meant so more research was definitely needed! Eventually I figured out that worsted weight wool was the American term and that here in the UK it is called Aran wool. I also figured out that the stitches have different names across the pond but since pretty much all the tutorials and patterns I have been using have been American anyway this hasn't been much of an issue, although something to bear in mind for sure! For your information below is a quick conversion chart for wool weights.

I think if your contemplating learning to crochet you should make sure your fully aquainted with Pinterest and YouTube as they are both invaluable! There are some fantastic people to subscribe to on YouTube such as The Crochet Crowd which you can find here:
and Stitchinstacy which you can find here:
just to name a couple and there are so many patterns available on Pinterest you won't know where to start!

If you would like to check out my Pinterest boards feel free, I have lots of boards but I have a few dedicated just to crochet!

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